What is the difference between Spring and Summer flowering bulbs?

There are so many different flower bulbs, but which bulbs do you plant when? There are two categories, namely spring and summer flowering bulbs. As the name implies, the spring bulbs flower in the spring and the summer bulbs in the summer. It is important to know which bulbs fall under which category, so that you do not plant them at the wrong time. Of course we don't want to be left with a bare garden, right?!

A color spectacle in the spring

Examples of spring bulbs are the Crocuses, Daffodils, Tulips, Hyacinths, Camassias, Irises, Grape Hyacinths, Fritillaria, but there are many more varieties! You can find our entire range under the heading "Spring flowering bulbs". These bulbs can be ordered between March and November. You can expect them at your home from mid-September. When you plant Spring flowering bulbs in the autumn, you can enjoy the color spectacle next spring in your own garden, the patio or balcony. We advise you to pay attention to a number of things when buying the bulbs. The flowers have a difference in flowering time, flowering height, color and location. Choose a combination of early and late bloomers, so that you can enjoy your own mini Keukenhof for a long time! We have included all the specifications with the products, so that you can easily make a selection that is perfect for you.

Planting spring flowering bulbs

It is best to plant early spring bloomers together, as they often have modest flowers. This makes them stand out better than when they are spread over the garden. If you click on flowering time in the filter, you can select a month. This gives you a clear overview of which flowers grow and when. Another tip is to apply Lasagne planting. You plant the bulbs in layers one above the other. You plant the late bloomers in the bottom layer and the top layer consists of the early bloomers. This way you can enjoy different types of flowers for months in spring. Need more planting tips? Read it in our blog about planting flower bulbs!

Enjoy your colorful summer garden

Now that you have enjoyed your spring garden for months, it is of course so nice to also enjoy color in the summer. For this we have beautiful Summer flowering bulbs in our range, such as Dahlias, Begonias, Gladioli, Calla Lilies and much more. You can find our entire range under the heading "Summer flowering bulbs". These can be ordered between February and May / June.

Planting summer flowering bulbs

Originally, the Summer flowering bulbs come from subtropical regions, such as South America and South Africa. These bulbs like warm temperatures and a humid environment. It is therefore important that you only plant the bulbs after the last night frost. This is often late April / early May. If you plant bulbs before the last frost, chances are that the flowers will not bloom and the bulbs will rot. You plant the summer bulbs about 1 to 2 inches deep, because the soil here is still quite warm. All specifications and instructions can be found with the products themselves, so that you have a clear overview of, for example, the color, flowering height and plant depth.

Note: Most summer bulbs, such as the Dahlias and Begonias, are not hardy.

Do you have any questions about Spring or Summer flowering bulbs? Feel free to ask our customer service.